Tuesday, December 13, 2011

January Craft!

Each month we will be making a craft for the upcoming month/holiday. So for January we will be making a Valentine's Day project! I really love these wood letters. They are fun and simple to finish:

This picture is just to give you an idea of what we will be doing; the font and paper may vary. Everyone will receive 2 of each: "X" and "O". We will have several different paper designs to choose from. All paint, paper and materials will be provided. However, please bring your own scissors if possible.

I will update with the price and exact letter dimensions once I know what they will be. Payment will be due by January 14 so all materials can be purchased.

Dinner and dessert will also be included! Please inform me of any food allergies as soon as possible. If you have any questions just let me know. Hope to see you there! Thanks!


Welcome to my blog! If there is one thing I love, it's making fun crafts! I also really enjoy spending time with my girl friends. Unfortunately, neither of those happen often enough. So, I have decided to start a monthly craft group! Each month we will get together, have dinner, make fun crafts and enjoy great friends! Anyone and everyone is invited! You will be able to see what craft we will be doing and decide if you'd like to opt in for that month. If not, that's ok! We will hopefully have plenty of different types of things so that everyone can be included. We will be getting together the LAST Thursday of every month at 6:30pm. I will try to keep each get together at about $15 to make it affordable for everyone. I am really excited about this and I hope that you will all be able to join us! Stay tuned for the post about January's activity!